
Showing posts from December, 2015

Shipbuilding & Offshore Construction Case Updates

Bluewater Energy Services BV v Mercon Steel Structures BV & 2 Others [2014] EWHC 2132 (TCC) Claims arising under a sub-contract for the fabrication of a tower based soft yoke mooring system for installation as part of the development of the Yuri Korchagin Field in the Caspian Sea.  “There are numerous issues which the parties have been unable to settle. The main factual disputes concern the causes of delay and liability for any delay and the events leading up to termination. There are many financial claims which depend on particular issues of contractual interpretation or fact.”   At Para 19. Zhoushan Jinhaiwan Shipyard Co Ltd v Golden Exquisite Inc & 2 Others [2014] EWHC 4050 (Comm) “In each case the Buyer has purported to exercise a contractual right to cancel the contract on account of delay in delivering the vessel.  In each case the Yard has sought to argue that the cancellation was wrongful on the ground that a relevant part of the...