Advance Payment Guarantees - performance bonds or contracts of suretyship?
The claimant, an insurance company issued advance payment guarantees (“APGs”) to the defendants, (i.e. the first defendant and its subsidiary the second defendant), guaranteeing the repayment of payments made by the defendants under three shipbuilding contracts signed between the defendants and a Korean shipbuilder, Huen Woo Steel Co Ltd (“HWS”). Later, HWS merged with another company, the new company was re-named Buyoung Heavy Industries Co Ltd (“Buyoung”). Some months later, Buyoung partitioned its shipbuilding business and its blockbuilding business. Buyoung continued took on the blockbuilding business while a newly incorporated company, Asia Heavy Industries Co Ltd (“Asia Heavy”) undertook the shipbuilding business. Subsequently, Asia Heavy went into financial difficulties and the defendants served notice of default, terminated the contracts and demanded repayment of the money paid under the contracts with interest. Asia Heavy Industries did not pay any of these demands and the d...